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34th Portsmouth 2024

The Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes 34th Indoor Portsmouth will be held on Sunday 3rd of November in Bridlington. The application form is now available by clicking on the button below.

We look forward to seeing you for the 34th showing of this competition, only made fantastic by the people who shoot it. There will be a warm welcome from ABBA, the Welcome desk (if you know, you know) and our superb Judges, Allan and Georgina.

Beginners Courses


Beginners courses for 2024 are complete.

We will be running courses again in 2025.

Contact Dave on, clubcoachabba@yahoo.com for more details of the course.

Below, our 2024 beginner’s, receiving their certificates for completing the course.



Saturday 9th March saw the 12th ABBA Dabba Do Longbow tournament sponsored by Black Ridge Archery Ltd take place at Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes. The Lady Paramount for the shoot was our very own Club Secretary, Sue Long.

50 Archers from 20 Clubs from all over the Yorkshire region, including 2 from Lancashire and 4 juniors, took part on a cold, windy, overcast day. As is customary at this tournament, Sherry and fruit cake with cheese was served at the intervals. At the end of the tournament, an Agincourt Volley was shot, to see which Senior and Junior could get closest to the centre of the target. The Lady Paramount for the shoot, Sue Long presented the trophies.

Please click on the RESULTS button above the picture to see all of the results.

Big thanks were given to:

Sue for being our Lady Paramount, Mike and Caz for the excellent catering & Clare for supplies of sweet and savoury treats.

Club members present, for setting up, helping to run the shoot and packing away at the end.

All of the Archers at the shoot today for making it another excellent shoot and also for helping to keep the traditional English Longbow alive in the Yorkshire area.

Finally to our sponsors for the shoot today, Black Ridge Archery Ltd.


????What a great day ????

On Sunday 5th November, Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes held their 33rd Indoor Portsmouth competition at Gypsey Road Sports Centre in Bridlington.

The shoot, sponsored by Black Ridge Archery Ltd from Driffield, saw over 100 Archers from over 20 Clubs, from all over Yorkshire, come together for morning and afternoon sessions. The Lord Paramount for the shoot was Jon Joyce from Black Ridge Archery Ltd.

Some excellent shooting was on display from Archers shooting the Recurve bow, the traditional Longbow, the Bare bow and the Compound bow. All were trying to win the 1st place trophies for the 4 disciplines for Ladies and Gents. The Juniors were also going for 1st Place in their individual bow discipline and age groups. Team and Couple trophies were contested for and it was, as usual, a spectacle to see. All prizes were presented by Jon Joyce, our Lord Paramount.

All the scores from the day can be found by clicking the button below.

Another great day for Archery and for ABBA. As usual all of the Archers were brilliant. We look forward to seeing you all for the Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes 2024, 34th Bridlington Indoor Portsmouth

Halloween Fun Shoot 2023

Halloween Shoot 2023 and as usual the weather started off rubbish initially but turned out rather nice. They still turned out though and there were , Skeletons (many of), Day of the dead man and woman, ghosts, Mike Myers, Valak the Nun, Mummy’s including Yummy mummy, Medusa and a Dinosaur, yes a dinosaur!

A themed target was used, which looked a lot like a skeleton sitting on a toilet, reading his or her newspaper. Novel! As usual the scoring was not as it seemed.

After the shoot, all retired to the Sports Hall for Bats blood soup and Dracula’s fingers, followed by scarily tasty and very impressive refreshments supplied by the members. The Hall had been decorated with a Halloween theme, which made for a fine festive feast.

Lord Paramount for the shoot and presenter of the medals and prizes was Alan


????1st place – Heather

????2nd place- Sue J

????3rd place – Paul


????1st place – Lucas

????2nd place- Eddie

????3rd place- Erin

????️????️Last place overall – Erin and Andrew

Best costume

????1st place – Laura (Valak)

????2nd place- Andrew (Dinosaur)

????3rd place- Caz (Day of the Dead)

A great Halloween Shoot ????????????

Windfarm Grant 2023

Success in the Lissett Wind farm Community Fund Grant.

Great news for the Club, we have been successful in our grant application from the Lissett Wind Farm Community Fund. The Club will now be able to provide Longbows to all, to try before purchasing own equipment, something we have not been able to do before, giving the Longbow archers the same opportunity as the recurve archers. Also matched arrows for the bows, making it a more enjoyable experience.

The bows will come in very useful at the indoor range at Brandsburton, where some of the grant money will pay for some of the indoor sessions, which will allow for Archery to go ‘year long’ and not have to pause when it gets too cold outside. New bosses and stands are also part of the grant, replacing the extremely worn out ones we have now.

Our more isolated members will be able to shoot through the winter in a warm, dry well lit environment, rather than hoping it’s a warm Sunday in December/January. Coaching will also be available at Black Ridge range in Driffield as part of the grant. The Longbows/arrows will also be used at school events and external have a go’s.

A huge thank you to Lissett Wind Farm Community Fund for this opportunity to improve our Kit, make archery year long, engage our members that don’t shoot through the winter and enhance our presence at external events.

Bridlington 252 Squadron Air Cadets

It was our pleasure to run a Have a go for the Bridlington Air Cadets this evening.

They have been a few times now and next time we will be going from 10 to 15 yards with them, as they are all very good. All 10 of them achieved greater than a 252 score.

In joint 3rd place was Clayton and Jess with 306, in 2nd place was Rosie with 308 and in 1st place was Bob with 310. The lowest score was 262.

Well done all. Another good reason to move back is Katrina’s bouncer that landed a couple of inches from her front foot ????‍????.

A great evening with great people. See you all again.

Abba Coronation Shoot 2023

What a great day for our Coronation shoot. So much Red, White and Blue on show, certainly not club colours today. Many a heraldic beast was slain by all. The weather was particularly good to us with mist first thing, changing to sunny and very warm. The last session of the beginners course included all taking part in the fun shoot. They all shot very well along side the members.

After the shoot the usual cracking spread was laid on by members contributions, which was very well received. Then it was presentation time. The 5 beginners (one unfortunately ill) were presented with their course completion certificates. We now have 5 new members of the Club, with one joining us later.

Onto the badges. Our Lady Paramount for the day was, Ele (Adrian’s wife).

Erin received her 252 at 10 yards badge for Bare bow, on the course.

Max received his 252 at 10 yards badge for Bare bow, on the course.

Mike achieved his 252 at 20 yards badge for Recurve, on the course.

Ade received his 252 at 30 yards for Recurve.

Martin received his 300 Frostbite badge for Recurve.

Charlie received his Archer 2nd Class badge for Recurve.

Eddie received his Archer 1st Class badge for Recurve.

Steve received his Archer 1st Class badge for Recurve.

Colin received his Archer 1st Class badge for Recurve.

Sue L received her Bowman 2nd Class badge for Recurve.

Karen H received her Bowman 1st Class badge for Longbow.

Jacquie received her Bowman 1st Class badge for Longbow.

Jacquie also received her Longbow 3 Gold end badge. Great work.

Well done to you all

Results from todays Coronation shoot were as follows:


1st Robert

2nd Paul

3rd Adrian


1st Fiona

2nd Jacquie

3rd Nicki


1st Erin T

2nd Charlotte

3rd Will

Fantastic day at the Club. Bring on the summer

Abba Easter Shoot 2023

Easter shoot

The sun came out (briefly) for the Club Easter fun shoot. There were many Easter Bonnets on show, mainly because there were prizes to be had, although some members do wear these all the time lol.

Sue Jones was our Lady Paramount for the day and it was also her 70th birthday, get out of here! and did a fantastic job of keeping us in order. Not easy here. A very in tune (almost) rendition of Happy birthday was sung by all.

The prizes on the day were:

1st for the Junior’s was – Lucas

2nd for the Junior’s was – Edward

3rd for the Junior’s was – Tiler

1st for the Ladies was – Sue J ????

2nd for the Ladies was – Fiona

3rd for the Ladies was- Amanda

1st for the Gents was – Paul

2nd for the Gents was – Stuart

3rd for the Gents was – Gary

Best Easter Bonnet was won by Eddie

2nd for the Easter Bonnet was – Dave

3rd for the Easter Bonnet was – Karen H

Huge thanks to Sue J and a very happy birthday ????????????????

Big shout out for Jo, as this was her first time organising a competition and it was a jolly good one too. Well done Jo ????????

Roll on the Coronation Fun shoot.

Lots of pics from the day.

Abba Dabba Do 2023 – Fantastic Days Shooting – Results Now Available

Fantastic days shooting at the Club today. Archers from all over Yorkshire came to shoot the Abba Dabba Do. The weather was bright and warm with archers travelling from areas covered with snow.

Results available from the button below.

Indoor Portsmouth 2022

Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes held their 32nd Indoor Portsmouth competition at Gypsey Road Sports Centre in Bridlington today. The shoot, sponsored by Black Ridge Archery Ltd from Driffield saw around 100 Archers, from over 20 Clubs from all over Yorkshire, come together for a morning and afternoon session.

The Lady Paramount for the day was Elaine Matson, who was the Club treasurer from 2011 to 2018. Some excellent shooting was on display, all vying for 1st place, witnessed by the Lord Mayor of Bridlington Mike Heslop Mullens, who popped in to see the shoot and chatted with many Archers at the event.

Also Team and Couples trophies were contested for and it was a spectacle to see. Big thanks also to Tesco in Driffield, who supplied a fantastic hamper and gift for the raffle main prize.

A great day for Archery, we look forward to seeing you all for the Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes 2023, 33rd Bridlington Indoor Portsmouth.

Please click the RESULTS button below to see all of the results.

Halloween Shoot 2022

There was a chilling feel to the Clubs Halloween shoot today at Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes. Not your normal Archery day, as Dracula, Dark (evil) Elf, The Adam’s Family, ghosts, horses, knights, witches, zombies, skeletons, scarecrows, Jedi Knight, Undertaker, Death, Cruella de Vil, Scary Maid, Pumpkins and the Phantom of the Opera were seen setting targets up ready for the themed shoot.

Certainly more arrows were shot this time, as last year’s shoot was ruined by the rain. There were spot prizes given throughout the shoot and the mood was fun, although some looked as though they were not feeling it.

After the shoot, all retired to the Sports Hall for Bats blood and Dracula’s fingers, followed by scarily tasty refreshments supplied by all the members, which was very impressive. The Hall also had a Halloween theme which made for a fine festive feast

Lord Paramount for the prize giving was Will S


1st place. Sue J

2nd place Laura S

3rd Stuart H


1st Charlie M

2nd Lucas O

3rd Edward C

Best costume went to Eddie dressed as a knight. A well shot Knight!

2nd place The Adam’s Family Robert, Fiona, Amelia, Charlotte and Edward C

3rd place Karen H dressed as an evil Elf

Badges were also given out

252 white badge Nicki O for Recurve

3 Gold end Badge Karen H Longbow

6 Gold end badge Caz S compound

Junior Bowman badge Charlotte C Recurve U12

Well done to Karen D our Tournament organiser

Also to our catering crew Mike and Caz S

Finally to Jo S for all the ABBA score boards and ABBA bags full of treats

Another great day for the Club, which is expanding and becoming a great place to be.

To see all of our photo’s head over to our Facebook page.

Tesco Community Grant Scheme

Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes bags £500 from Tesco’s community grant scheme.

Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes have received £500, that it will use to purchase equipment to benefit their teenage and young adult Archers.

“Boosting Children’s Archery Opportunities” in Driffield/Bridlington was a project that the Coaches at the Club felt was desperately needed to support the younger members of the Club and the future young Archers.

The Club has been unable to give the Junior members of the Club and future members, the same opportunities as the Senior members. This grant will enable the club to purchase suitable Archery equipment to give the best possible experience in a safe and timely manner to the younger members of our community.

Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes would like to thank Tesco Community Grants and all those who supported us by voting for our project in the local Tesco store.

Claire de Silva, Tesco’s Head of Community, said: “Tesco Community Grants help support local good causes like Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes and especially those projects supporting young people, those providing food, and local causes close to our colleagues’ hearts.”

Tesco Community Grants is run in partnership with community focused charity Groundwork, who has awarded grants to thousands of local community projects every year.

Tesco’s Community Grants scheme – previously Tesco Bags of Help – has already provided over £90 million to more than 40,000 projects across Britain.

Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “Tesco Community Grants continues to give local projects the boost they need to help their communities thrive. We are pleased to have been able to help so many local good causes over the years and look forward to seeing what community organisations can achieve in the future with the right resources.”

Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. To find out more visit www.tesco.com/communitygrants

Young Farmers Have A Go 2022

Bridlington Young Farmers Have-a-go tonight and it was an absolute pleasure to have this group with us.

Some excellent shooting was witnessed and possibly the least amount of behind the target collecting ever. Well done to all ??.

In 1st place with a score of 158 was Tom, in 2nd place with a score of 154 was Kirsty and in joint 3rd place was Xandra, Henry and Luke with a score of 150.

Medals were presented by Carole. It was a great evening spent in very good company. Hope to see you all again soon.

Easter Bunny Shoot 2022

Happy Easter everyone. It was great weather for our Easter Bunny shoot today with 23 Archers shooting.

The scores as ever were dodgy, with 5 unknown and of course some were negative. We certainly knew who had those when they were given out. Lots of food provided by the members were consumed at the half way break and teas and coffee’s were provided by Caz and Mike. Well done Karen on organising a great shoot. Lord Paramount for the day was Will.

In 1st place was Kim, joint 2nd place was Colin and Karen H and in 4th place was Karen D. In last place (same last year ??) was Laura. Ivan also won an Easter egg on the draw.

Sport England Invests

Sport England invests in Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes Project, Boosting Children’s Archery Opportunities Great news for the Club.

We have been awarded a grant from the National Lottery, via Sport England Queens Platinum Jubilee Activity fund for equipment for our Junior members. We have had a few Juniors come and go over the years, but recently the number of very young Juniors has increased significantly.

Then after a visit to a local school to carry out a demonstration of Archery and run a have a go there, the numbers shot up again. This highlighted the Clubs lack of Junior kit in general and the need to be in a position to give all, who do our beginners courses and go on to join the Club, the best chance of doing their best and not be impeded by equipment.

This grant will really balance out the opportunities to do well for all Juniors at the Club, this year and going forward.

The Club would like to thank The National Lottery and Sport England for this investment in the Club. Thanks also to everyone who plays National Lottery games for your support.

ABBA Dabba Do 2022

The 10th Abba Dabba Do Longbow competition was yet again an amazing success as we welcomed over 57 archers to the club for our annual shoot.

After having to cancel last year due to covid it was nice to get back on the field. Thank you to all who made the journey.

Club Beginners Competition 2021

Sunday 5th September saw the 2nd running of the Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes Club, Beginners Competition.

This had 3 teams competing, the beginners from 2020, the beginners from 2021 and the experienced archers. The handicap was the distance shot. The weather was sunny and warm with a very gentle breeze. This year we had 7 under 12 year olds shooting, which is a first for a long time for the Club and great to see.

Refreshments provided by a number of the Club members were enjoyed at the break. After a hard fought battle the victors were the beginners from 2021 claiming the Gold medals, with the experienced archers in second place claiming the Silver medals and the beginners from 2020 claiming the Bronze medals.

Top scores of the day went to Kim for Recurve, Lindsey for Longbow and Tracey for Bare bow. There was also a Best Gold trophy for the 3 teams, which were won by Kim, Ben and Sue. There were a number of records achieved on the day and a lot of personal bests. Thanks to John for being our Lord Paramount and very professionally running the Club Cafe.

Great day for a Club that is growing in numbers and strength.

Halloween Shoot 2021

The good old British weather let us down today! We managed one end of sighters and one scoring end of arrows before the rain and wind forced us to give up and go inside for the monster buffet, provided by all the members.

A huge effort had made by all to get dressed up and the winner of the best Costume as voted for by all at the event was Karen as the Bride of Dracula.

Where potential for the weather to have spoiled a good day could have been one outcome, the club members turned it around to make it a good
get together in a Halloween themed Club room, with lots of food, music and laughter.

The Lady Paramount for the day was Charlotte who was also celebrating her 11th birthday. Thank you Charlotte and a very Happy birthday.

Winners on the day were:

Gold – Kim
Silver – James
Bronze – Jayne and Colin

Gold – Cole
Silver- Tiler
Bronze – Charlotte

Wooden Spoon – Sue J
Best Costume – Karen H

History & Demonstration of Archery at Kilham School 2021

On Friday 14th May, Children in Year 5 and Year 6 at Kilham Church of England Primary School spent the afternoon working with members of the Archers of Bridlington and Burton Agnes Archery Club. The school has recently purchased some school-friendly archery kits, which we will be using as part of our PE and games curriculum in the summer term. To help launch the new equipment Mr Palmer the headteacher contacted the local club to see if they would be willing to come into school.

Dave Hunt (the Club Coach) and seven club members taught the children about the development of bows throughout history and demonstrated four different types of bow. The children in Year 6 who are studying the medieval period and those in Year 5 who are looking at the Vikings saw a demonstration of bows from the ancient longbow, a recurve bow and a modern compound hunting bow.

The members of the club then spent time giving the children a chance to handle the bows and shoot them at the targets. All of the children had a brilliant time shooting the bows and the members of the club were knowledgeable, patient and worked well with all of the groups. All of the children enjoyed the afternoon and many of them were pleased that they hit the target, with some hitting the gold in the centre.

Many children took away information about joining the club or trying a beginner’s course, which happens at their training grounds in Burton Agnes.

The School would like to say a massive thank you to Dave and all the members of the club for a fantastic afternoon where the children learnt a new skill and had a lot of fun.

Easter Shoot 2021

The 2021 Easter shoot went very well, in the scorching (well warm) sun.

1st prize went to Sue, 2nd prize to Ivan and 3rd prize to Terry.

Last prize and the only negative score of the day went to Amanda.

Thanks to the two Karen’s for the teas and coffees and to Laura and Carol for the fondant fancies and chocolate Easter lollipops.

Great way to come out of lockdown.

Halloween Shoot 2020

The 2020 Halloween shoot went very well with 20 Archers braving the very windy and slightly damp conditions. The food provided by members was hot bats soup, devils fingers and lots of cakes and sweet treats. There were an even number of Barebow, Longbow and Recurve on show and a sneaky scoring system acted as a good handicap system.

The winners for Longbow were:

Gold – Amanda W with 148 points
Silver – James S with 137 points
Bronze – Dennis W with 113 points

The winners for Barebow were:

Gold – Melissa C and Gary Y with 107 points
Silver – Billy W with 95 points
Bronze – Carol S with 56 points

The winners for Recurve were:

Gold – Sue L with 141 points
Silver – Lindsey S with 109 points
Bronze – Ben N with 105 points

Wooden spoon this year goes to Laura S with 43 points

Prize for Best Costume, went to Billy Wilding.

All done under social distancing conditions and was a great day.

2019 Club Fun Shoot

Archers of Bridlington & Burton Agnes have for quite a number of years been involved in a 3 way club beginners competition.

This years competition was to be held at our club but a lack of numbers from the other 2 clubs meant we had to cancel the shoot. A decision was made to have a club shoot and one with a difference – 3 teams were set up, club members, beginners in their first year of shooting and beginners straight (literally) off a beginners course.

The handicap was the distances shot. A western round was chosen, 60 & 50 yards for club members, 40 & 30 yards for beginners in their first year of shooting and 30 & 20 yards for beginners straight off their beginners course. It was difficult to call just who would win this.

The shoot went really well on a sunny, warm and slightly breezy day. Karen Hunt was the judge for the shoot and kept everyone in order, which is not an easy task at this club. The half time break was enjoyed by all with cakes and biscuits provided by Carole and Karen with Caz ensuring everyone had a beverage where required. The result of the competition was very interesting with the beginners straight off the course coming in 1st place, with the beginners in their first year in 2nd place and the Club members coming in 3rd place.

Medals were given to all who attended and a best gold trophy was awarded for each teams best gold, with Richard, Gary and Martin taking these home.

Thanks to all who attended today and for assisting with set up and putting away, which was done in record time.

Liverpool Boys Brigade Have A Go

All the way from Liverpool for a have-a-go!

The Liverpool Boys Brigade and Leaders (26 in all) enjoyed a have-a-go at the club on the 30th of July, perfectly organised by our club members.

Some fine shooting added to their enjoyment, well done all we will see you again.

Interclub Competition 2018

On 23/09/2018 Abba took their team down to Panda Bowmen as a part of our customary interclub competition. Our 3 beginners Sam Smith, Liam Smith & Malcolm Cunnington came 2nd in the shoot so well done to them.

Martin Blakebrough won Gold in the Recurve with Eric Cromack winning a silver, also Dennis Wilcockson won a medal in the longbow section. Well done to all who took part.

Many thanks to Panda Bowmen for hosting the event, it was a fantastic day enjoyed by all.

Young Farmers 2019

On Tuesday 10th July ABBA were host to the young farmers, a group of 16 people of all ages.

Some fantastic shooting was seen by all so well done to all who took part. Medals were awarded at the end of the evening for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place based on 18 arrows.